Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yokko's visit 08/30/08

We've been getting lots of help and lots of visitors since Junior was born. People have been bringing prepared meals for our freezer, baby supplies, and just stopping by to keep company. We even had Hiroe's sister Yokko and niece Kaho come for 10 days. They were both extremely helpful... cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the baby. Kaho always had a new diaper ready when we would change Junior.

Kaho also kept the dogs entertained. I think she especially liked Gnocchi.

Yokko's visit really helped give Hiroe time to relax and recover after the birth.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Grapes 08/08

In an attempt to keep this from being entirely a baby blog, I submit this "grape entry." Last year I built a dog area meant for unlimited access to the great outdoors for our dogs without us needing to worry about an escape. It also meant I might have a chance at having a green back yard. Well this ugly fence left us with a dilemma. How to make it fit in. Grapes! The only trouble is that grapes upset a dog's stomach. This problem seems to have temporarily solved itself. After consulting a winery owner that I know, it seems that grapes don't appear until the third year after planting the vines. So we don't have to worry about it until 2011. But I'm still hungry for a grape.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We have a lot of video from the hospital from both before and after John Jr. was born. I'm filtering through it now, trying to piece together something watchable... cutting out the long stretches of a baby sleeping.

I found this little gem, though. Sleeping. Knocking his face with his hand. Crying. Then peace. Hopefully making you smile...

Monday, August 11, 2008

One more 08/10/08

One more gratuitous pic of the little guy. Don't worry, this won't (completely) turn into a baby blog...

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Junior! 08/08/08

Born 08/08/08
Weight 3068 grams
51 cm long
Mom (Hiroe) and baby (Junior) are doing great!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Pregnancy update - week 39 - 8/5/08

Thought everyone might enjoy a photo update of Hiroe. We're in week 39 of the pregnancy. A previous photo from this spring is first, followed by a photo from this week. Seems that both Junior and Hiroe's garden have really grown!

From last May:


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hiroe's car 8/3/08

With Junior coming soon, we decided it was time to upgrade Hiroe's car. For a long time now I've been working on her to get a newer car. She's very fond of her beloved Bastie (VW Golf), and had no interest in anything else. Yes, the car has given her challenges - air conditioning that doesn't work, a drivers door that wouldn't close, broken glove box door, and now it's in the shop for some brake and wheel issues. But I guess that adds to the character. Maybe some safety concerns with a drivers door flying open... but you need to look beyond all of that.

In the mean time, I've been pointing out different cars that she might like. But they too have issues. I'd ask, "What about that Audi?" "Looks like Darth Vader," she'd respond. Me, "How about a Subaru?" Her, "That's what old people drive in Japan." No trunk, or a "flat butt," was a requirement regardless. In the end we both liked a small Volvo wagon. Then it simply came down to color. Blue or Black.

These cars seem to be very hard to find. We finally found a used blue one at a local car shop. And now it's Hiroe's...

The sales guy showing Hiroe how to work some of the interior things.

Hiroe at a local restaurant after picking up the car.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Hospital Tour Video 7/27/08

Recently Hiroe said that we should get a camcorder. This was based on seeing some fun video of her niece and nephew when they were younger. So we bought one, leaving me with the need to figure out how it works in advance of the baby coming. I happens that at the same time we had planned to do a tour of the hospital where Junior will be born. Now it's obvious that my video shooting and editing ability sucks. But we all have to start somewhere. Hopefully, soon I'll be competing against Spielberg for an Oscar. Or not. That being said, I give you the hospital tour video...