We have a lot of video from the hospital from both before and after John Jr. was born. I'm filtering through it now, trying to piece together something watchable... cutting out the long stretches of a baby sleeping.
I found this little gem, though. Sleeping. Knocking his face with his hand. Crying. Then peace. Hopefully making you smile...
I found this little gem, though. Sleeping. Knocking his face with his hand. Crying. Then peace. Hopefully making you smile...
ところで、ジュニャのお名前はJohn Jr.なの?
お返事遅くなっちゃってごめんねー! どんどん顔も体も変わってゆく毎日で、観察するのが楽しいです。ジョンくんそっくりよ。名前はそう、John Jr.です。ミドルネーネームは葉月くんだよ。ジュニアくん、と呼んでくださいねー。
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