Sunday, April 09, 2006

spring 4/9/06

Today was a great day to stay at home, enjoy the weather, and get some spring things done. Time to finish chores that are too easy to put off for too long, like removing the christmas lights from the bushes. No they haven't been turned on since January, though we do have neighbors who leave their christmas lights on most of the year. Their's are a funky neon color, so I guess you could consider it art. I just checked to see if I could capture a picture of their lights, but they're off tonight. Oh well.
It was time to clean the garage too and in doing so we added a new member to the family. He was taking shelter on the garage floor. Not a great place to stay safe.

His name might be beautiful-chan, after another pet Hiroe had as a child. Or his name might be fuzzy-chan. We'll see what he turns into and if he wants to stay with us.
Hiroe is very busy creating a garden and she's up to 8 planters like these. As frosty nights are still common, all of the vegetation and greenery are staying indoors at night. I'm really looking forward to seeing what pops out.

We already have life in some of the planters...

If it can hold dirt, it gets seeds.

And finally, my tree got some new dirt and a big new pot. His old pot is to the left in the picture below. I've had this tree since college and during that time it's endured a lot. It spent about 3 weeks in a tall clothes box in storage when I moved to Colorado and then froze in the back of a trailer on the move back to Minnesota. It froze again when I moved from my house in Wayzata. He survived the ritual of my dog P.J., who buried my socks in his soil almost daily. Another time, all of the leaves fell off when it went without water in my parents basement for several months. Each time I thought he was gone for good. So, it was time to reward him for his survival skills by giving him a nice fresh start and room to grow. Yes, I know it's just a tree... but he's a fighter. We should all be so strong.


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