Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring has sprung 4/13/07

Finally, it's getting warm outside. The snow is gone. The birds are chirping. And the dogs, well, they stare at you with those eyes that seem to say, "Do you have ANY idea how long it's been since you threw this thing for me? Huh? Well I do. It's been toooo long."

Once you throw the toy a few times, they take over and entertain themselves. We've decided Soba actually poses for the camera. I mean, that can't be a natural expression on her face.

Gnocchi usually goes for Soba's tail...

...unless he has the toy for himself. Especially that toy. Soba's two most favorite posessions in this world are the black toy in Gnocchi's mouth and her monkey. I don't have a photo (yet) of the monkey. Sorry.


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